Офорты Сальвадора Дали: иллюстрации к «Потерянному раю»
Оригинальное название: Paradise Lost (Le Paradise Perdu)
Год: 1974
Техника: офорт
Состав коллекции: 10 листов
Размеры работ:
Regarded as one of the most important works in literature, John Milton’s Paradise Lost was illustrated in ten color etchings by master Salvador Dalí in 1974. The simplicity of line and careful draftsmanship exude the very turmoil of man’s battle with the temptation of Satan. A small edition of 150 was created on Rives paper and is noted as having some of Dalí’s sharpest lines. These hand signed etchings are an important addition for the collector of modern art and connoisseur of the world’s finest literature.
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